Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Tamiya Truckin

Welcome to our page about the Tamiya Truckin Experience Truck. A Mercedes Benz 1850, Kindly donated by Fusion Hobbies in 2014. They are no longer in business. However to keep our 10 Year old truck going we have teamed up AMHobby for all your truck spares. Have a look at ther shop AMHobby





The truck is run around the mini layout £1 for 3 minutes. where the drivers can navigate the road works, attempt to try a reverse park in between the cones or whatever takes the drivers fancy. Controlled using a DX5 the truck is fitted with the Tamiya MFC-01 unit so you can hear the truck and of course honk the horn :)

 Keep and eye out to see what shows the TTE truck will make an appearance so you can join in with the RC fun.